Breviário de leituras: Is tiny dancer really Elton's little John?
«Of all the bands I've ever met, the one most fully committed to the absurdity of rock 'n' roll was probably the Darkness. And considering that I once interviewed Spinal Tap's David St. Hubbins (Michael McKean, staying in character on the phone), that's no small praise. But the Darkness bring a lot to the party: catsuits, an insane falsetto, and a video where a pterodactyl humps a spaceship.
This was the philosophy of lead singer Justin Hawkins: "Less is more? That's bollocks. More is more. That's why it's called 'more'. If it was actually less, it'd be called 'less'."
There's something about rock 'n' roll that brings out the smoke machines, secret backward messages, and other strange experiments. Hawkins, unsurprisingly, has a philosophy about such matters. He told me, "My favorite catchphrase is 'If something's worth doing, it's worth overdoing'. Even subtlety. If you're going to be subtle, you should really fucking be subtle."»
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