Breviário de leituras: Uncle Montague's tales of terror

«"But why worship a tree?", I said.
"I can think of many things less deserving of worship", he replied. "Look at how long some trees have been alive. Think of what they have seen. Why, there are yew trees in churchyards that may be more than a thousand years old; older still than the ancient church nearby. Their roots are in one millennium and their branches in another. And who cannot stand in awe when they see a great oak or ash or elm standing alone like a mournful giant?"
He tapped his fingertips together and I saw his wolfish smile in the shadow. "I know a story about just such a tree", said my uncle. "Would you like to hear it, Edgar?"
"Very much so". After all, that was why I was there.
"It may be a little frightening for you".
"I don't mind, Uncle", I said with more courage than I felt, for I was like someone who, having been hauled to the highest point of a fairground ride, was beginning to have second thoughts.
"Very well", said Uncle Montague, looking into the fire. "Then I shall begin..."»
Etiquetas: Leituras