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18 outubro 2007 

Breviário de leituras: Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere

Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, Mike Carey & Glenn Fabry

«I was asked in an interview recently what I thought of the Constantine movie, and I said that it was very enjoyable so long as you didn't go into it expecting "the film of the book". What that glib comment conceals is the extent - the enormous extent - to which any adaptation splits itself off from its source and becomes its own journey: its own answer to a set of questions that only formulate themselves as you set to work. Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings, Ridley Scott's Bladerunner, Brecht and Weil's Threepenny Opera, the stage versions of The Producers and His Dark Materials, they're all jazz riffs on their wonderful originals rather than straight translations. Because straight translations from one medium into another is both impossible and undesirable.»



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