Breviário de leituras: The death of Captain America
«Finally, March 7th came and we had succeeded in taking the world by susprise! I hadn't even left the house for work that morning when my father called and I knew that this was going to be far bigger than any of us had originally thought. When dealing with mainstream stories, I never tell my dad what we are doing. If a mortgage banker in Nashville, TN, hears about something related to Marvel comics, then I know we've tapped the mainstream. He called, groggy from just waking up, and said "I can't believe you did it. How could you kill Captain America?"»
Etiquetas: Leituras
E tudo se passou no meu dia de anos! Parece-me bem, é sempre um bom dia para tomar o mundo de surpresa! ;)
Posted by Miss Kin | 22:29